Monday, September 29, 2008

Sept. 29th, Day 26

I really like this photo. It has great contrast and it looks foggy and mysterious. I like how there are multiple lights, but they do not distract each other. It has a really good balance of all different shades of white, gray, and black. It also kind of looks like it's moving.

Sept. 28th, Day 25

This picture has really strong value contrast. I like it because the light from the car on the left side of the picture gives off light and it fades into the black. Also I think it is cool how some of the lights in the photo look kind of like stars.

Sept. 27th, Day 24

I really like the colors in this photo and fact that it is blurry gives it a kind of mysterious effect and makes you wonder. It kind of makes you ask what is that and what happened there??? I like this photo.

Sept. 26th, Day 23

I really like both of these photos. The first one is really unique because it almost seems like a negative. They are kind of opposites of each other. I really like how in the second one the leaves are in focus showing every detail and the wheel barrel is kind of out of focus.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sept. 25th, Day 22

I was on my way home from Brookfield and as we were driving I took a picture of the orange and white barrels in the street using the "night landscape" setting on my camera. I think it is so cool how it turned out. I really like how the front is blurry but you can still see the barrels in the back and even the speed limit signs. It has really good movement too. It draws your eyes throughout the whole picture. I love night photography.

Sept. 24th, Day 21

This is me experimenting with night photography. My mom went to the store and when she came back I took a picture of the car driving up the driveway. This is the back of the car. I used a setting on my digital camera called "night landscape" and it leaves the shutter open for like a minute. I love how it turned out.

Sept. 23rd, Day 20

I LOVE this photo. My nephew was playing outside so I asked him to stand next to the tree and reach for it. I love how it turned out. This is definately one of my favorite pics.

Sept. 22, Day 19

I love when the leaves change colors in the fall and the tree right outside my front door is starting to turn yellow. I thought it looked really pretty so I took a picture of it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept. 21st, Day 18

My nephew was by my house over the weekend and he was playing outside so I decided to take a picture of him. There is really nothing unique or special about this photo but I think it's cute. I also like the fact that it is not posed. It's just a picture of the moment.

Sept. 20th, Day 17

This is a photo of a light on the ceiling of my friend's school. I really like how much detail was captured and that it's not just a photo with bright light and nothing else. There is barely any light shown in this photo at all.

Sept. 19th, Day 16

We were driving in a parking structure and the sunset was beautiful so I got out of the car and took a picture of it. I really like it because normally you do not get to be eye level with the sunset, but since we were so high up, it turned out perfect. I really like the tower next to the sunset because I think it adds a lot to the photo.

Sept. 18th, Day 15

My nephew found this caterpillar and it was all curled up on a leaf. Kinda cool!!!

Sept. 17th, Day 14

This photo is kinda cool because it is from a different angle than most photographs. I really like the contrast that it created.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sept. 16th, Day 13

This is another one of those random photos, but I really like how bright the flower turned out. The contrast that it created with the background looks really cool and really makes the flower jump out at you. It is definately the first thing that you see.

Sept. 15th, Day 12

I have seen photos of pianos before, but I think this photo is unique because I have not seen one with fingers on the keys. I tried to make it seem like in the photo I was playing the piano, but I kept my fingers still because I wanted the fingers to be in focus and not all blurry. I like this photo because it is like one of those photos that capture a moment, and music has played in a lot of important moments in my life.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept. 14th, Day 11

This is one of those random photos that kind of has no point to it. It's really a close up picture of a slide with a toy truck in the background. I like it because the contrast that it created to the right of the photo looks cool.

Sept. 13th, Day 10

I was taking a picture of the sky and my friend put her hand in the air. I really liked how it looked so I had her back up and I put more of her in the picture and had her reach for the sky like most of us try to do everyday.

Sept. 12th, Day 9

I was trying to take a picture that was an example of panning but it didn't turned out how I imagined. I had my friend run but I guess not fast enough. Oh well I still kinda like it because its random and not posed.

Sept. 11th, Day 8

This is a picture of a charm from my bracelet. I really like the shadow in this photo and how it is simple yet still a unique photo.

Sept. 10th, Day 7

This photo is of the stairway going down into a basement. I really like the random stuff on the stairs and in general how the photo turned out.

Sept. 9th, Day 6

Most of my photos have been in black and white so this one I wanted to be a really bright color, what better than lime green.

Sept. 8th, Day 5

I made this mask freshman year in Speech class with Mr. Passante and it is like a mold of my face, which is kinda cool so I took a picture of it and the angle makes it look totally weird and different.

Sept. 7th, Day 4

It was almost midnight and I was trying to find something to take a picture of and one of the first things I saw was my guitar. I tried to take a picture of it from a different angle. I like how it kinda fades into the dark and blends in.

Sept. 6th, Day 3

The 5th was actually my brother Zac's birthday, but we had a party for him the 6th so I decided to take a picture of him for this project. My cousin put her hand in the background when I was taking the picture but I kinda like how it looks.

Sept. 5th, Day 2

I didn't really know what to take a picture of so I kinda just took my old sketchbook and then put some of my previous work and photos around it.

Sept. 4th, Day 1 of Project 365

This picture didn't turn out as good as I would have like but it does have a meaning behind it. The books in the front symbolize school starting and the guitar, shoes, ipod, etc... symbolize the things I like to do. The meaning is that once school starts the things you enjoy get pushed to the back but don't let them vanish into the darkness because they are the things that make you who you are.